Call for Abstract

We cordially invite ISHG members and non-members, scientists, research scholars, students and clinicians as well as other health care practitioners to join us for the ISHG 2025 conference at NIMHANS, Bengaluru. In this prestigious conference, you will have an opportunity to showcase your research findings to national and international audiences and have the chance to converse and obtain immediate feedback on your research findings from experts.

You will also have collaborative opportunities across various institutions. Exciting new findings that will advance current understanding will be selected for oral presentation. Submitting an abstract will also make you eligible for the ISHG-Young Scientist Award and Travel Grants!

Abstract submission rules and policies With the submission of an abstract to ISHG 2025, the first author (Presenting author)

  • Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
  • Confirms only ONE abstract is submitted as first author even if it is selected for oral presentation.
  • Confirms that each co-author has been informed of this abstract submission and support the data presented.
  • Confirms that the data presented have not been published in the same format with the same title prior to the date of the abstract deadline. The new findings should be highlighted if the data are already published.
  • Identifies competing financial interests related to product or process to the abstract and report if any.
  • Confirms that, the studies involving human or animal subjects, microbes, rDNA and stem cells permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority and informed consent was obtained wherever applicable.
  • Gives consent for the abstract, selected either for oral or poster presentation, to be published by the organizers as conference proceedings.
  • Notifies all co-authors of all correspondences relating to the submitted abstract.

Abstract format The following guidelines should be followed while submitting the abstract.

  • The abstract written only in English language should be submitted. The abstract should not have linguistic or structural errors.
  • Title should reflect the content of the abstract.
  • The structured abstract with less than 2,500 characters should contains,
    • Background/ Introduction
    • Objectives
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results and Conclusions
    • Online submission system will not accept abstract text that exceeds the limit.

  • Acknowledgements including funding details can be given in an appropriate section.
  • Supplementary data will not be accepted.
  • The submitted abstracts will not be edited or proof-read before appearing in proceedings. Therefore, the first/presenting author is responsible for the accuracy of the abstract.
  • After the deadline for abstract submission, changes related to abstracts cannot be made. Please make sure all the information (including co-author’s name) is correctly registered before the deadline.
  • Commercial names should not be used in the abstract and use generic names as much as possible. Specific products of ineligible companies should not be promoted or disparaged.
  • It should not contain advertisements for a specific product, company, and/or service or contain any logos of an ineligible company.
  • The presenting author should choose the category (oral or poster) while submitting the abstract. Oral slots are limited, if the abstract is not selected for oral presentation, it will be considered for poster presentation.

Review of the abstracts and notification of the abstract selection

  • All the submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the experts.
  • Based on the novelty/ quantum of the work, the submitted abstract will be short-listed for oral and poster presentation.
  • Only eight abstracts will be short-listed for ISHG Young Scientist Award. The abstract under this category will be reviewed by a committee constituted by the ISHG.
  • Only five abstracts will be short-listed for "10 minutes Oral Communication" session. The short-listed participants will receive travel grant and opportunity to win best oral presentation award.
  • The communicating author will receive a notification about selection of his/her abstract on or before 31st December, 2024.